About WCOE

Our Mission

World Council of Elders is an educational 501(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to preserving and sharing authentic indigenous teachings essential to healing, peace and sustainability for all peoples in today’s challenging times.  In partnership with Indigenous Elders, we strive to perpetuate the living essence of indigenous cultures including sacred wisdom, spiritual ceremonies and traditional values.  

Why Now?

We are living in a very special time of transformation and critical choices long-prophesied by the wisdom-keepers of the world’s indigenous cultures. Many of these Elders, who have carried the wisdom of their peoples for millennia, are now willing to share their ancient, yet timeless teachings to restore balance and preserve a sustainable future for our children.

History in Brief

World Council of Elders was founded as an educational non-profit organization in 2000, and obtained 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status in 2001.  Since then, WCOE has sponsored international Elders’ gatherings and healing ceremonies in Canada, Guatemala, El Salvador, Panama, Colombia, Chile, Australia, Hawai’i and throughout the United States. These events involved over 100 Elders from dozens of indigenous cultures, and several thousand participants from around the world have had direct experience working with and learning from these humble healers and teachers.


* establish a network of wisdom-keepers who share sacred teachings.

* conduct ceremonies to heal, reconnect, and fulfill vision and prophecy.

* provide educational and multicultural programs and workshops.

* disseminate indigenous wisdom via multimedia communications including film, webinars, social media and literature.

* develop a multimedia Living Wisdom Archive & Library.

* establish a growing global community of Elders, teachers and supporters through events, ceremonies and networking forums.


Please join with us to learn more, to reconnect with the timeless wisdom of indigenous cultures, 
and to reawaken our own inner knowing that truly, “we are all related.”

Mitakuye Oyasin.

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