Our Mission
World Council of Elders is an educational 501(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to preserving and sharing authentic indigenous teachings essential to healing, peace and sustainability for all peoples in today’s challenging times. In partnership with Indigenous Elders, we strive to perpetuate the living essence of indigenous cultures including sacred wisdom, spiritual ceremonies and traditional values.
Our Vision
Our vision is of a world in which all people cherish and care for the Earth, one another, and all life. Toward fulfilling this vision, World Council of Elders brings together authentic indigenous Elders from around the world to share their sacred wisdom teachings and to counsel humanity toward restoring balance, honoring cultural diversity and promoting peace among all peoples.
Why Now?
We are living in a very special time of transformation and critical choices long-prophesied by the wisdom-keepers of the world’s indigenous cultures. Many of these Elders, who have carried the wisdom of their peoples for millennia, are now willing to share their ancient, yet timeless teachings to restore balance and preserve a sustainable future for our children.
Mitakuye Oyasin.
[…] first announcement is that Woody Vaspra, founder of the World Council of Elders, will be leading a Sunrise Sacred Pipe Ceremony on Saturday and Sunday morning at the event. […]