
Our Mission

World Council of Elders is an educational 501(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to preserving and sharing authentic indigenous teachings essential to healing, peace and sustainability for all peoples in today’s challenging times.  In partnership with Indigenous Elders, we strive to perpetuate the living essence of indigenous cultures including sacred wisdom, spiritual ceremonies and traditional values. 

Your tax-deductible donations are greatly appreciated!  Remember, when you give to World Council of Elders, you become a partner in our on-going efforts to preserve and share authentic indigenous wisdom so vital at this unique time of transformation. Your generous support enables us to bring together indigenous Elders from many cultures around the world to share their sacred wisdom teachings critical to multicultural understanding, healing and peace.

Also, World Council of Elders is committed to protecting your privacy.  Be assured that we never share your personal information.

Thank you for supporting World Council of Elders!  


Donate Online

Option A.  To make a one-time donation via PayPal, credit card or e-check, please click on the Donate button below.



Option B.  To make monthly donations via PayPal, credit card or e-check, please click on the Subscribe button below.


Monthly Donation Options

Donate by Mail

Please send your tax-deductible donations to:

World Council of Elders
P.O. Box 7915
Boulder, CO  80306

Phone:  303-444-9263


Thank you for supporting World Council of Elders! 


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